
Having to face another winter

Winter here in Quebec can be brutally cold and humid.  We hosted an Norwegian girl for a year a few years ago and even she thought that winter here was incredible!  And she lives in Tromso, which is near the Arctic Circle in Norway...

Why am I thinking of winter in august?  Well, I'll be going back to work in a week, the trees are already turning yellow, the mornings are colder than they were just a few days ago and I can't wait to leave for our RTW trip.


Traveling with our dog

Leaving for a RTW trip without Lulu?  Out of the question!  Call us stupid if you want but it was a sine qua non condition:  traveling with our dog or stay.  Of course, it implies a lot of compromises because a dog isn't welcome everywhere.  OUR dog isn't welcome everywhere: she's a Rottweiler and as you may know, Rottweilers are considered fighting dogs...


Interview with Kim from So Many Places

Finding someone with the same goal in life is very exciting!  I recently stumbled upon this blog, So Many Places, and I was very happy to see that Yves and I weren't the only ones dreaming about selling everything to go on the roads. 

Kim and Brian, from Oregon, are in the process of preparing for their RTW trip and I asked Kim a few questions about all this prep and what it involves.


You know you're leaving in less than a year when...

I find the formula of "you know... when..." very funny.  It allows for small gasps, winks and reflections on the spot. 

Less than a year to organize everything and you know you are leaving in less than a year when...


The world according to Lulu

Finally!  After months of waiting, my owners let me use the computer for the continuation of my adventures.  I admit however that after the big announcement of our departure on the road planned for 2012 - less than a year - I needed to digest the news...

Here I am, very quiet trying to gobble the flies, when I surprised them  discussing about travel, motor home, but also words such as vet, chip, ... To provide chills and thrills!